5297 Port Blvd. South

College Park, GA

16 Maple Creek Circle

Greenville, SC

(404) 761-1100

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm


Dixie Concrete Cutting, Inc. is fully committed to the safety of our employees, clients and subcontractors. 

All employees are trained on an on-going basis on the latest techniques to prevent incidents and injuries.  Training also helps employees recognize potential hazards before they arise. All Dixie Employees have “Stop Work Authority” if they feel a situation needs further observation. 

In addition, Dixie also requires:

  • Monthly Safety Meetings
  • Weekly Toolbox Talks
  • Job Specific Safety Training (Proper lifting techniques, fall protection, silica and respiratory protection, rigging, and more)
  • OSHA 10 and 30 hour certification
  • Equipment specific operator training
  • Defensive Driving Training
  • PPE (hardhat, safety vest, glasses, hearing protection)


We offer the latest drilling technology from lithium battery powered, 110v, 240v, 480v, and hydraulic. Dixie can core holes ranging from 1/8’’ up to 60’’ in diameter and ranging in depths of up to 6ft deep.